Final Elit Project: “Womanhood”

Author’s Description: Womanhood is an electronic literature piece dedicated to addressing the various components of womanhood. The piece reflects the author’s views and experiences with womanhood and femininity. The text is written as a collection of poems that detail four important components of womanhood: Virginity, Venus (Shaving/Grooming), Genitalia, and Race. Readers are invited to choose which section of the text they would like to explore by answering the question, “When you hear the word ‘Womanhood’, what comes to mind first?”

Link to Final Elit Story Project:


I honestly enjoyed creating this project. It tested my creative and poetic abilities. There were many times during the creation of this project that I became extremely frustrated. I was frustrated by my lack of coding skills and overall tech knowledge. When I first began the project, I wanted to create something very similar to Queerskins; an elit piece that seamlessly incorporates imagery, sound, and text while also telling a powerful story. However, after a few failed attempts at utilizing Wix, I quickly realized that the initial vision for my project would need more than two weeks to create. I decided to stay within my lane and utilize the digital tools suggested by my classmates. My search led me to Inklewriter, a simple but powerful platform.

Overall, I am content with my final project. However, if I had more time and resources, I would have loved to create this as a collaborative project. I would want to interview women of different races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and upbringings about their experiences with womanhood and femininity. My current elit piece is told from my perspective. The perspective of a Black woman. In order to provide readers with a more in depth look at womanhood, interviews and just a more inclusive knowledge of the different facets of womanhood would have been very beneficial to my final project.

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